How to create a Resume


 Introduction : 

                    Creating a resume is one of the most important steps in the job searching process. A well crafted resume can make a best impression on you than other candidates.Your Resume should be clear, concise and easy to read. A neat resume will make you to enter the new working environment.The Goal of your resume should enhance about an individual's work experience, education,skills and achievements.It plays a vital role in the job applying process, secure nterviews and employment opportunities.

Here is a basic methods  to get started:

1. Contact Information:

                    Contact Information is the section of your resume where you provide your basic information about you so that the employers can reach you easily. In this it includes your full name, your address, e mail. These information should be accurate and updated in case of any address change.If you done everything correct then the employer can easily contact you for job opportunities.

2. Professional Summary: 

                    In this section you have to summarize about your experience , then about your skills and your career goals. 

3.Work Experience:

               Work Experience is very important for a candidate. If you are a fresher you have to shine with your own ideas. If you have any work experiences you have to mention it here such as your Job title in which area you are strong ,then about your company name list which you worked and where it is located , period of time you have to mention and finally about your key responsibilities and achievements in that role.

4. Education:

                "A Good education is a foundation of a better future". In your resume you have to mention about your education qualifications like what are all the Degrees you have earned , in which institution you have completed your degree and your Graduation Date.It mainly helps you to get a perfect job with an affordable salary.

5.Additional Information:

                This part tells about you apart from your working environment. In this part you can update about your known languages, your Volunteer works , and about your interests in various fields like reading books, hearing music, writing own poems etc.


               This is the final part of the resume. Here you have to highlight with attractive words that  your tasks will be done with your full involvement  and then you have to tell about the details whilc you gave are true to the best of your knowledge.

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